This series of two 90-minute live webinars will help attendees to understand the psychology of high performers and develop effective practices to promote a more
Year: 2021
Join Pearn Kandola during National Inclusion week for their latest webinar series. They will identify how organisations can maximise the potential of each and every
Join Law Care to discover the findings of their research study Life in the Law. The research into mental health and wellbeing in the legal sector,
An ally is someone who is not a member of an underrepresented group but who takes action to support that group to help make their
Host Robert Hanna is joined by Lenie Ibanez, who is a Diversity Leader, International Change-Maker & Female Youth Empowerment Mentor. Lenie has spoken in the
The Race for Equality Fights Against Microaggressions, with a Focus on White Privilege with Adrian Clarke Watch the video here.
During LGBT+ History Month 2021, LGBT+ legal professionals and colleagues who consider themselves allies to the LGBT+ community, were invited by the Law Society to
About: Join the Diversity Network as a Company Ambassador Member. As well as individual membership, the Diversity Network also offers a Company Ambassador Members to
We’re all interested in happiness, but do we know how to attain it? Lawyers traditionally suffer from stress, long hours, and difficult working environments, which
Under the Equality Act 2010, menopause discrimination is largely covered under three protected characteristics: age, sex and disability discrimination. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides for safe working, which extends to the working