An ally is someone who is not a member of an underrepresented group but who takes action to support that group to help make their
Year: 2021

What is the Disability Power 100? The Disability Power 100 is an annual celebration of the 100 most influential disabled people in the UK, working to break

About: The Black Solicitors Network (BSN) was formed in 1995 to promote the interests of black solicitors, provide professional support and share information, inform and

Earlier this month the Law Society launched a joint report, researched and written in conjunction with Bates Wells, which follows their June 2019 report on

It has been a busy month with lots of International Women’s Day themed events taking place and lots of interesting articles and opinion pieces. So International reports that Linklaters has increased its firmwide gender diversity target for its annual partner promotions round toĀ 40%. Linklaters is the latest outfit to

The Government is calling on women to share their experiences and help improve healthcare for women. The Government are encouraging women to share their experiences International reports that Natwest placed a greater emphasis on asking law firms about their diversity efforts in its most recent review, but will look

You may have seen in the legal press that a number of firms have signed up to the Halo Collective’s Halo Code. About the Halo International reports that a host of senior lawyers have been appointed to a government task force aimed at boosting socio-economic diversity in theĀ upper ranks