An ally is someone who is not a member of an underrepresented group but who takes action to support that group to help make their workplace more diverse and inclusive for all.
For workplaces to become truly inclusive it is up to people who hold positions of privilege to be active allies and to take responsibility for making changes that will help others be successful.
Allies at all levels can take action with simple, everyday efforts that make a real difference and in this series, we highlight some things that you can do to be an ally and to support your colleagues from underrepresented groups.
#66: Introduce billable credits, bonuses or recognition programs for Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives
It’s important for firms to recognize and reward employees who contribute to diversity and inclusion efforts. One way to do this is through the use of billable credits, bonuses or recognition programs.
Billable credits are a way for employees to receive credit towards their billable hour requirements for working on diversity and inclusion initiatives. This can include things like attending diversity and inclusion training, participating in diversity and inclusion committees or task forces, or leading D&I related projects. By providing billable credits for diversity and inclusion work and initiatives, firms can encourage employees to prioritise and invest time in these initiatives and also not inadvertently penalise employees who already actively work on diversity and inclusion.
Some firms also have bonus schemes that specifically reward diversity and inclusion work and initiatives (as well as other initiatives not directly related to the billable hour such as inclusion, or business development) to ensure that their lawyers are more rounded and get rewarded for their hard work beyond the hitting their billable target.
Recognition programs, on the other hand, are designed to publicly recognise and reward employees for their contributions to diversity and inclusion work and initiatives. This can include things like awards, special recognition events, or even promotions. By recognising and rewarding employees for their contributions, firms can show that this work is valued and encourage others to be allies and get involved.
Read the full “How to be an Ally” series here.