Strive launched in October 2018. Strive Talent source and develop talent from intersectionally diverse, socially mobile, and under-represented backgrounds and help them realise their true potential. There is no shortcut, simply talent.
Strive has two main programmes:
- Supernova is their flagship programme for aspiring commercial lawyers who are looking for Vacation Scheme and Training Contracts. Suitable for current undergraduates and graduates from any degree discipline. Find out more about how to apply.
- Shift is the UK’s first free-for-all, diversity-focused LegalTech bootcamp. shift() is a 3-part curriculum delivered via 2 streams: shift(Bootcamp) (the selective live programme) and shift(OnDemand) (the self-paced virtual internship programme).
Apply to become a Strive Member for access to their programmes and events.
If you are an organisation interested in partnering with Strive find out more here.