There are lots of websites, research and resources in Diversity and Inclusion. Here is a list of some of the key reports, websites and blogs that can inform you:
- Catalyst: Workplaces that work for women – Catalyst is a global nonprofit working with some of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to build workplaces that work for women.
- Mckinsey: Global research on the gender gap and the case for greater diversity in the workplace
- Stonewall: Stonewall campaigns for the equality of lesbian, gay, bi and trans people across Britain.
Race & Ethnicity
- Business Disability Forum: Business Disability Forum is a not for profit membership organisation that exists to create a disability smart world by linking businesses, disabled people, and government.
- Scope: Facts and figures on disability
- Centre for ageing better: The Centre for Ageing Better is a charitable foundation that creates change in policy and practices informed by evidence and work with partners across England to improve employment, housing, health and communities.
Equality & Human Rights
- Equally yours: Equally Ours (previously the Equality and Diversity Forum) is a UK charity that brings together people and organisations working across equality, human rights and social justice to make a reality of these in everyone’s lives.
- Liberty: Liberty is an independent membership organisation. Liberty challenges injustice, defend freedom and campaign to make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly.
- Is Britain fairer?: Equality and Human Rights Commission report on the state of equality and human rights in Britain.
General D&I Websites & Resources
- D&I Leaders: Independent news, content, events, training and jobs board for diversity, inclusion and HR-related professionals.
- Fair Play Talks: An online media company featuring diversity, equality, inclusion and wellbeing content for all diversity spectrums, across all industries, worldwide.
If you have any websites you feel should be added to this list, please feel free to add in the comments or contact us.