The latest webinar series from Pearn Kandola takes an in-depth look into LGBT+ employees’ experiences in the workplace.
They look at: what language is appropriate to use; the unique forms of exclusion the LGBT+ community face; the stereotypes and attitudes towards the LGBT+ community; how to cultivate an organisational culture where your LGBT+ employees feel safe to be themselves; and the practical steps to create an LGBT+ inclusive workplace.
Webinar Series:
- LGBTQIA+: Deconstructing the acronym
- Discrimination and exclusion: Exploring LGBT+ experiences at work
- It’s not the fish it’s the water: Attitudes, stigma and the LGBT+ community
- Conceal or Reveal? In pursuit of authenticity at work
- Taking pride in inclusion: Practical steps to creating an LGBT+ inclusive workplace
If you missed any of these webinars live you can sign up to received access to the recordings of all or any of these free webinars here.