About: Her Bar was founded in 2021 by then pupil barristers Nasreen Shah and Rachel Bale. It is a bespoke multi-purpose platform designed to follow
Category: Network
About Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar (BDABar) is a group run by and for disabled aspiring barristers. BDABar are working
About: AWS London is a vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive community for women lawyers. AWS London promote a community of lawyers who are relaxed and open
About Neurodiversity in Business Neurodiversity in Business is a business forum and industry group for organisations to share industry good practice on ND recruitment, retention and empowerment. They
About ArbitralWomen is an international non-governmental organisation that has existed informally since 1993, actively since 2000, and officially as a non-profit organisation since 2005. ArbitralWomen
About: The Association of Women Barristers seeks to monitor and represent the interests of women at the English Bar. You can follow them on LinkedIn
About: FreeBar is a network aiming to foster inclusion and support for LGBT+ people working as and with barristers. They are working towards a Bar
About Neurodiversity in Law Their purpose is to promote and support neurodiversity within the legal professions, and eliminate the stigma often associated with people who
About: The Magistrates Association is working to recognise and bring together magistrates from sections of society that are underrepresented within both the MA and the
About: The Critical Race and Culture Research Network is a cross-faculty research network based at UWE Bristol. The Critical Race and Culture Research Network brings together scholars,