Mental Health & Wellbeing Tips: How to support your team’s mental health while working remotely, especially junior members

Many firms continue to have flexible working/remote working in place and some of your team may work primarily from home. It continues to be important to support the mental health and wellbeing of your team and colleagues. Here are some ways to support the mental health of your team while working remotely, especially for junior members:

  • Encourage regular breaks: Working remotely can blur the lines between work and personal time, leading to longer hours and less time for rest and relaxation. Encourage your team to take breaks and switch off from work to prevent burnout.
  • Facilitate regular check-ins: Make sure to have regular check-ins with your team to check in on their mental health and well-being. These check-ins can be informal and done through messaging or video call. Make sure that the topic of conversation is not only the work they are doing. Talk about how they are, and their lives outside work.
  • Encourage open communication: Encourage your team to speak up if they are struggling with their mental health. Create a safe and supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their concerns. Showing some empathy and understanding can be the key to a good working relationship, and it paves the way – especially for more junior members – to feel heard and cared about.
  • Provide resources and support: Make sure your team has access to resources and support for their mental health. This could include things like an Employee Assistance Program, access to therapy, or mental health apps and tools etc.
  • Encourage self-care: Encourage team members to prioritise self-care and find ways to manage their stress, such as through exercise, meditation, or hobbies.
  • Be understanding and flexible: Remember that everyone has different needs and may require different levels of support. Be understanding and flexible with team members who may need to take time off or adjust their work schedule to manage their mental health.

Learn more about mental health and wellbeing here and read our Quick Tips Series here.

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