Osborne Clarke has formed a governance board of partners and senior staff to monitor its diversity efforts, to ensure accountability for the firm’s diversity and inclusion strategy.
The ‘diversity champions forum’ will consist of 13 board members. Executive board member and senior Partner Victoria Parry will chair the DCF, and she will be supported by Partner Jane Park-Weir (chair of the diversity communications committee), Bola Gibson (head of inclusion and corporate responsibility), Su Akgun (diversity and wellbeing manager), and senior diversity champions for each of the six D&I strands across the firm. These include Partners Mary Lawrence and Matt Edwards (gender); Partner Rajindh Mangat (ethnicity); Director of Trade Marks Mark Foreman (LGBT+); Partner Tom Harding and Legal Director Katherine Kirrage (social diversity); Partner Edward Persse and Operations Director Paula Goggins (mind and body) and legal director Rebecca Scott (age).
The board has been instructed to ‘challenge and support’ the firm’s diversity and inclusion efforts, to ensure they achieve measurable change in the recruitment, retention and engagement of a diverse workforce.
Chair of the board Victoria Parry said: ‘We want all our people to feel comfortable and confident to be themselves, and at the same time, that they belong to a supportive culture that’s inclusive for all. My colleagues and I are working on a number of programmes that will embed D&I into sector and client strategies, normalise conversations around diversity and educate colleagues about the key issues.’
Read the Press Release.
Read the article on Law Society Gazette.
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